Hey There, Motor Works Family!
We hope you're all doing well, staying safe and sound. We know 2020 was a doozy, to put it mildly. So, we wanted to help put the focus on the positive in 2021, and are doing that with our Thankful Thursdays on Facebook.
If you want to participate, it's super-simple - Just stop by the shop and fill out a slip or, shoot over an email if you prefer (or if you're still under lock-down/stay-home orders). Then, tune in to our Facebook page at noon (eastern time) on the 3rd Thursday of each month, and watch the positivity happen.
* We'll be using the hashtags #ThankfulThursdays and #AttitudeOfGrattitude on all these posts for the whole year, so you'll be able to search up some positivity any time you need, no worries!