Complimentary Loaner Vehicles

At Motor Works, we strive to make your repair experience as painless and convenient as possible. As part of that effort, we’re pleased to offer the use of our free loaner vehicles. Our fleet of Honda and Toyota vehicles will get you anywhere you need to go. These vehicles are available for your use completely free of charge. Yep, that includes the gas (within reason, please).
Also, practice gratitude -> just before you decide to nibble that chicken wing, chug that big gulp, let your dog run-a-muck or decide to light up inside one of our cars… PLEASE DON’T. It’s just not nice. Please note that loaner vehicles usually book at least 1 – 2 weeks in advance, so make sure you call early!
Sounds too good to be true? Well there IS some paperwork that has to be filled out before we can cut you loose with one of our cars. To save you time when you drop off your car, click here to download our Loaner Vehicle Agreement (PDF) that contains the required legal mumbo-jumbo that we’ll require on your appointment day. Just print it, fill it out and bring it with you. Remember to bring your driver’s license and proof of insurance as well.
*Please note: all of our loaner vehicles are maintained routinely (in house, of course) and have regular detailing, to ensure your comfort and health. So, no worries!